Thursday 13 August 2020

The Eye of Horus & the Eye of Ra

The left eye is the  Eye of Horus, it is one of healing and regeneration, it promises divine intention and protection from the Gods. It represents the Moon. Horus was an Ancient Egyptian God and was usually shown with the head of a Falcon, he was associated with the heavens.

There is an ancient myth in which a battle between Horus and his brother the God Set, took place as to who would rule Egypt after the death of their father Osiris, during the battle Set gouged out Horus's left eye.When Horus's eye was recovered, he offered it to his father, Osiris, in hopes of restoring his life, and from then on the eye of Horus was often used to symbolize sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection. During this battle, Set lost his testicles. Thoth, who is known as the Egyptian God of wisdom, restored Horus’eye. It was at this point, that it was given the name Wadjet. This myth also shows the relation to the waxing and waning cycles of the moon.. 

The right eye is the Eye of Ra, and is associated with the Sun. The Symbol is worn to protect from Evil spirits. is a symbol of protection erupting from power fury and violence, it is a source of great light and warmth and can also be equated with fire or with the magical appearance of a pink horizon over the land of Egypt.

Funerary amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus. The Symbol was intended to protect the pharaoh in the afterlife, and to ward off evil.

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