Sunday 27 September 2020

The Tomb of Nefatari, the God Ptah, and the meaning of the Djed Pillar

 In this photograph taken from the Tomb of Nefetari, the great Royal wife of Ramses the Great, we can see a beautiful night sky ceiling covered with stars, these represent departed spirits, and like the stars at night they are eternal. Nefertari is offering the God Ptah Linen, so that there will be enough Linen for her mummy coverings. The God Ptah created himself out of the void and then created the physical Universe to live in. He is attributed with creating many of the other original gods, the heavens and the Earth

Ptah always carries a staff that bears the symbols that combines the ankh which is the symbol for Life with the djed, which is a column of horizontal lines beneath it which represents the human spine and stability. The Egyptian cosmology was centered around maintaining order and balance against the forces of chaos, so Ptah's identification with life and stability is significant. He created existence, and he helps to maintain its balance.

Behind Ptah is the Djed Pillar which represents the Spine or Backbone of the God Osiris, it symbolizes strength, the ancient Egyptians recognized the importance of the spine and it was a symbol to help the God Osiris stand firm with strength in the afterlife, Osiris had been murdered by his jelous brother, the God Set, his wife Isis searched all over Egypt for many years to find all the parts of his body that set had dismembered and cast across all of Egypt to deny Osiris an afterlife, Isis finally found all the body parts of Osiris and with her magic she resurrected her beloved husband. The God Ra said Osiris couldn't walk the earth with mortal men, and so he made him the God of the Underworld.

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