Thursday 4 February 2021

Feel the Spiritual Aura of Luxor Temple and the Mosque of Abu il Hagag inside the temple precincts

I have walked through the grounds of Luxor temple during the freshness of a new day, the chaos and heat of midday, and the warmth of a starlit evening, when the temple and its colossal statues simply glow against the evening sky. It was during such an evening when I realized that I had left my dull English life behind me, and I had entered into the powerful world of ancient Egypt.

Walking through Luxor Temple I feel that you can sense an aura as you stand in the dust of time with the fire of the sun baking the earth in the open courtyard. Stand quietly as the history of the ancients and the wisdom of the sages engulf you with their dedications to the gods, then your heart will lift as the blood pumps faster through your veins. Imagine this; you are now stood on the same ground as Ramses ‘The Great’ of the 19th Dynasty of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt

Two more enormous statues of Ramses sit on his throne of two lands in the first courtyard, behind them a colonnade of papyrus columns lead to the festival hall of Amenophis111.  The edges of the courtyard are surrounded by columns, between the columns tall striding statues of Ramses advance towards you; firmly he grips a Mekes papyrus within his right hand, confirming that it is the will of the gods that he will rule, entrusting Egypt to his care. As I stood quietly in the shade beneath one of these awesome marching statues, the muezzin call suddenly echoed from the Mosque of Abu il Hagag that was built onto a corner of the temple roof 7oo years ago, Allah Akhbar, God is great , suddenly as I stood and listened my body became a washed with the feeling of the divine, and in that one single moment in time I felt that I had become one with Egypt’s past and present in this wondrous place of worship.

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