Monday 5 April 2021

The Amazing Golden Mummies Parade - 140 years after their discovery by tomb robbers in DB320

140 years have passed since the discovery of the tomb known as DB320  this undecorated tomb contained the most amazing group of the greatest Kings Queens and royal family members from the New Kingdom Period  and was discovered by tomb robbers, the Rassoul brothers who kept the tomb secret for ten years, living off the goods from inside the tomb

Eventually after the imprisonment and beatings, and harassment of the village people at Gourna one of the Rassoul brothers confessed to knowing the whereabouts of  the tomb that had originally been the family vault of Pinedjem 1 a High Priest of Amun during the 21st dynasty who had declared himself a king. During his rule He had removed some of the kings from their own tombs, possibly to acquire some of their wealth. 

Once the mummies were investigated the authorities made arrangements to transfer them to Cairo, and so after 3,000 years of seclusion the Royal mummies left Dier El Bahari  and were carried by donkeys and mules to the banks of the River Nile where they were transported to Cairo. 

Women came to the riverbank and wailed in mourning for the deceased kings and their kin. Never in the history of any nation has there been such an awesome entourage of deceased royalty, the glory of Ancient Egypt rose again as their pharaohs travelled to safety in Cairo, their final resting place, where modern scientists now continue the work of some of the ancient priests to protect and preserve the mummies of their kings. They sailed for three days, all the way from Luxor to Cairo, but on their arrival in Cairo, the customs inspection did not want to let the mummies into the capitol as they needed to find a legal definition for the mummies. The customs authority eventually agreed to let them in, but only under a label that embarrassing notification that they were salted fish,

On 3rd April 2021, in a stunning celebration parade worthy of the Kings and Queens, some of the same mummies were taken in  vehicles to the amazing new museum in a spectacular parade they travelled in specially decorated vehicles representing festival barques to their new home, specially decorated vehicles, with vintage horse-drawn carriages and men in ancient costumes guiding them, and a drum-beating military band building up excitement.

The highly anticipated Pharaohs’ Golden Parade transporting the amazing royalty began their journey from Cairo’s Tahrir Square  at exactly 6:30 p.m. The vehicles were designed to appear like the ancient barques used to carry deceased pharaohs to their tombs they were transported from the 120-year-old Egyptian Museum in Cairo's central Tahrir Square to the newly inaugurated National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in the old Islamic city of Fustat. The mummies had their names inscribed on the sides and front of the vehicles in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and Arabic, signaling the start of the procession by moving in chronological order

The first festival barque was dedicated to the mummy of King Seqenere Tao 11 who had lived 300 years before Ramses The Great and had ruled Egypt under the Hyksos period of invasion.  Seqenere Tao was also found in the cache at Dier El Bahari, his mummy shows that he had died of a violent death, where blows from a battle axe had left a gaping hole in his skull, His son Ahmose 1 was also found in the cache, and his mummy now lies in the Warrior Kings section of Luxor museum along with Ramses 1 who had been sold by the tomb robbers for 7 Egyptian pounds

Ahmose-Nefertari was the first Great Royal Wife of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. She was a daughter of Seqenenre Tao and Ahhotep I, and royal sister and wife to Ahmose I. Her son Amenhotep I became pharaoh. Ahmose-Nefertari was deified after her death.

A 19-meter-high Ramses II obelisk surrounded by four sphinxes adorns historic Tahrir Square, the obelisk with it’s perfect sharp edged sides reach for the sun, paying homage to the god Ra, whose rays flash down it to highlight  bold vertical lines of deep inscriptions that inspire the traveler to utter the names of Ramses making him immortal once  more,   his authority of the land is invoked and assured again, The Horus, Mighty Bull, Exalter of Thebes, Favorite of the Two Goddess, establishing monuments for his father Amun who placed him on the Throne, Golden Horus seeking excellent things for him who fashioned him King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Usamatre, Chosen of Re.

As the vehicles moved, they encircled the obelisk and continued their 4.5-km journey to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, their final resting place. Roads were sealed off as the motorcade passed through empty streets before being greeted by a 21-gun salute upon arrival.

The number of mummies and coffins transported is 22 ,18 of the mummies are for kings, while 4 belong to queens. 

Among the mummies transferred those of  King Ramses II; King Seqenenre Tao; King Thutmose III; King Seti I; Queen Hatshepsut; and Queen Meritamen, the wife of King Amenhotep I; and Queen Ahmose Nefertari, the wife of King Ahmose I. 

Thutmose III  was the sixth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, he was one of the strongest Pharaohs, a warrior king, who brought vast wealth to Egypt. When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt they gave him the Name of the Egyptian Napoleon as they were so impressed with his victories that were written on the walls of Karnack Temple. Tuthmosis ruled Egypt for almost 54 years and his reign from the age of two and until his death at age fifty-six; however, during the first 22 years of his reign, he was coregent with his stepmother and aunt, Hatshepsut, who was named the pharaoh. 

Becoming the sole ruling pharaoh of the kingdom after the deaths of Hatshepsut, he created the largest empire Egypt had ever seen;  he spent most of his reign in 17 campaigns  and he conquered lands from the New Kingdom in northern Syria to the Fourth Cataract of the Nile in Nubia bringing great wealth to Egypt, he tried to erase Hatshepsut to deny her an eternal life by erasing her name from the monuments that she had erected

One of the festival barques transported Queen Hatshepsut Maatkare ‘Foremost of Noble Ladies, Truth is the Soul of Re'  ruled as the fifth pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt, she was the favorite daughter of Tuthmosis 1, and was married to her half brother also known as Tuthmosis. Hatshepsut and Thutmose II (who was also in the parade) had a daughter named Neferure, who grew to become a Gods Wife of Amun. After having their daughter, Hatshepsut could not bear any more children. Hatshepsut ruled for 22 years, by the time of Hatshepsut’s death Tuthmosis 111 had risen up the ranks of the army to the Rank of Commander in Chief. 

When Tuthmosis 111 arrived back in Waset (Luxor) he had many of Hatshepsut's cartouches and images erased so that her name would be forgotten, and she would be denied an eternal life, he had a wall built around her obelisk in Karnack Temple to bind the energy of the obelisk.

The inscription written on the obelisk from Hatshepsut in Karnack Temple expresses her devotion to Amon Ra:

I have created this work with a heart full of love for Amon

Initiated into his secrets of origin

Instructed through his beneficial power

I have not forgotten what he has ordained

My Majesty recognizes his Divinity

I have acted on his orders

It is he who has guided me

I have never slept because I was pre-occupied with his temple

I have never turned away from what he has commanded,

My heart moved intuitively with The Father

I have entered intimately into the plans of his heart

I have never turned my back on the Master of totality

But rather I have turned my face towards him. 

Hatshepsut ruled for 22 years, by the time of Hatshepsut’s death Tuthmosis had risen up the ranks of the army to the Rank of Commander in Chief. 

When Tutankhamen’s tomb was cleared of all its wealth and finery, they came across a small box that held a lock of his grandmother’s hair. Tests were concluded in the 1970's on a piece of the hair and it confirmed that the 'Elder Lady' was the grandmother of Tutankhamun, the mother of Akhenaton, and the Great Wife of Amenophis 111- Queen Tiye, was the daughter of a chariot officer and therefore a commoner so it was unusual that she was the Great Wife of a King. Amenophis 111 obviously loved and respected his wife because he also had her depicted on statues with him, she embraces his leg on the colossi of Memnon

The music for the parade of the Golden Pharaohs'  is composed of the Isis hymn at Deir el-Shelwit at western Luxor, one of the most beautiful and powerful Hymn for Isis, and from the pyramid text, 

The Hymn to Isis during the Pharaohs’ Parade in Hieroglyphics 

“Oh, Humans and Gods who are in the mountains

She’s the great Lady 

Praise to you isis who gives birth to the Light

Praise to Isis mistress of the west and all Lands 

Praise to Isis the eye and Will of Ra 

Praise to Isis that Gives all that is good and blessed to Egypt”



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