Tuesday 5 May 2020

The Hieroglyphic Inscription of Ramses 11 Obelisk at Luxor Temple

A Single Obelisk stands beneath the pylon of Luxor Temple, in 1835 the Pasha of Egypt, Mohammed Ali gave its twin obelisk to France in recognition of Champillion having deciphered the Rosetta stone, which allowed  the world to read and understand the words of the ancient Egyptians that had remained silent for thousands of years .The twin obelisk now stands in The Palace de la Concorde at Paris,  the spell of protection that the two combined Obelisks offered the perimeters of the temple have been severed.

Standing beneath the remaining obelisk it’s perfect sharp edged sides reach for the sun, paying homage to the god Ra, whose rays flash down it to highlight   bold vertical lines of deep inscriptions that inspire the traveler to utter the names of Ramses making him immortal once  more,   his authority of the land is invoked and assured again, The Horus, Mighty Bull, Exalter of Thebes, Favorite of the Two Goddess, establishing monuments for his father Amun who placed him on the Throne, Golden Horus seeking excellent things for him who fashioned him King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Usamatre, Chosen of Re.

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