Sunday 24 May 2020

Ramses 11 has a passport !

In 1977  Ramses was flown to Paris with his own passport, his occupation is described as KING (deceased) On his arrival in Paris a Great Ramses 11 Exhibition was staged. Obviously this is not the original passport of Ramses 11 that he was given in 1974, it has been created just to show what his passport might look like.

The journey to Paris was also arranged to offer the mummy of Ramses the best conservation treatment possible as deterioration had been noticed, with the invasion of beetle larvae.

 In the shimmering heat at Cairo airport the coffin of Ramses passed onto the plane whilst a guard of Honor saluted the King.  On arrival in Paris Airport Ramses was again greeted with a full presidential guard of Honor even though he had been dead for nearly 3,200 years.

This is the Mummy of Ramses at the Exhibition - The wall behind him shows a scene from the Great Temple of Abu Simbel in Nubia, depicting the pharaoh in a military campaign against Kush (Nubia)
The Mummy of Ramses 11 is now housed in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo.


Ramses 11 came to power at the age of 25, his popular title is ‘Ramses the Great,’ but his Pharonic name was ‘Ra has fashioned him Beloved of Amun.’  Ramses reigned for 67 years, and fathered over a 100 children ! 

During his long reign Ramses 11 probably erected the most statues temples and obelisks of all the pharaohs. Some of his most impressive works included the Hypostyle hall at Karnack temple, this was begun by his father Seti 1 and Ramses finished work on the Hypostyle hall. after the death of his father.

He created the first courtyard in Luxor Temple surrounding it with his striding statues, which hold the Mekes papyrus in his hand giving him the authority to rule. He created the front pylons of Luxor Temple, which shows him fearlessly riding into battle on his chariot at the Battle of Kaddesh, he sits on the throne of two lands each side of the temple entrance, with his beloved wife Nefertari at the side of his leg.

Originally he placed two Obelisks outside the front pylons that had a top cap of Electrum (a mixture of gold and silver) these would capture the rays of the sun and flash energy and vitality down the bold vertical lines and the hieroglyphics  that would inspire the traveler to utter the names of Ramses making him immortal once more, and his authority of the land is invoked and assured again,'The Horus, Mighty Bull, Exalter of Thebes, Favorite of the Two Goddess, establishing monuments for his father Amun who placed him on the Throne, Golden Horus seeking excellent things for him who fashioned him King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Usamatre, Chosen of Re.'

The twin obelisk now stands in The Palace de la Concorde at Paris, and the spell of protection and energy field that the two combined Obelisks offered the perimeters of the temple have been severed.

The Obelisk was given to France in recognition of Champollion deciphering the Rosetta stone making hieroglyphics and the 'Gods Words' in Temples and Tombs come to life once more, If your name is uttered and not forgotten then you have eternal life.

Ramses was also responsible for completing one of the most unusual and impressive of all Egyptian temples at Abu Simbel in Nubia, which was the furthest point of Ancient Egyptian supremacy.

This awesome temple was cut into the mountainside, and has four statues of Ramses sat on the Throne of two Lands. The axis of the temple was positioned by the Ancient Egyptian architects with the advice of the Goddess Sekhet, (the Architect) who worked all the details of the temples axis according to the stars, so on October 22 and February 22, the rays of the sun would flash through the temple door bringing light and life to the sitting statues of Ramses sat with the Gods, Amun, Ra-Horakhty and Ptah. By building such an awesome monument Ramses was sending a strong message to the Nubian Race that he held the power.

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