Monday 14 December 2020

Hossam Dirar - Egyptian Artist - The Nefertiti Collection

 Queen Nefertiti was the Great Royal wife of Akhenaten, a revolutionary pharaoh, that tried to change thousands of years of Ancient Egyptian belief of worshiping many Gods, he insisted that his people should only worship one God, the Aten. During his reign he closed all the temples of the various Gods, and moved his capital into the desert. During his reign a new beautiful art style was created called Armarna Art. Akhenaten was a man of peace, and obviously adored his wife Nefertiti and their children, he offered Nefertari the honor of being represented with him in full size in relief's, not the usual pharaonic half size, Akhenaten's changes almost brought Egypt to the brink of disaster, and through all his revolutionary changes Nefertiti stood firmly by his side

Hossam has created a stunning series of paintings of the amazingly graceful and beautiful Nefertiti whose name actually means 'the beautiful one has come'

Hossam is not just celebrating Nefertiti's beauty, he has given her the status of a Goddess as a woman, by painting her with the wings of the Goddess Isis

Hossam paints Nefertiti in various poses and colors, one of my favorite paintings is where she wears a vibrant red dress, emphasizing Nefertiti's power and confidence. She wears a large golden Ankh necklace, this is the Ancient Egyptian Symbol for Regeneration and Eternal life, it offers a doorway to eternity. The Ancient Egyptians believed that when a person died, if their name was spoken it would offer them eternal life. Hossam's amazing art has brought Nefertiti from the past, thousands of years into the future,  to empower modern women

Hossam expresses the elegant and mysterious beauty of Queen Nefertiti, he expresses his feelings that ' Nefertiti would empower women to take a stand for their beliefs, and that she would encourage women to move out of the shadows'.

Another of my favorite paintings is Nefertiti wearing a white dress, and holding a bouquet of flowers, this painting has given Nefertiti an untouchable purity showing her as a bride.

Hossam finds some of his inspiration from another of my favorite symbolist painters, an Austrian named Gustav Klimt, whose art was exceptional, he was a revolutionary modern artist during the period in time that he lived 1862-1918, he mixed images of women so skillfully painted that they had a photographic quality, and their clothes he used patterns and symbolism. Klimt was also interested in ancient Egypt, and used many of their symbols in his paintings of women.

Contact Hossam Dirar on Facebook : Hossam Dirar


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