Wednesday 6 January 2021

Poem of Isis & Osiris by Esama Chiba

Walking in the shadow of fate

Dragging her KA, 

tormented Her BA, 

Shedding tears of RA

Isis began a long journey

Searching for her husband

Osiris the beloved King of Egypt

Whose jealous brother

Dark Seth Lord of the Evil

Put him in a golden coffin

Threw him in the River

Roaming along the Nile

She found him in Byblos

Hidden between the trees

With grief and sadness

She opened the casket

In sorrow embraced him

Put the coffin in a boat

Heading back to bury him

Evil Seth wouldn't let her

Ripped his body apart

With no mercy in his heart

Spread it all over Egypt

The blessed Earth of Geb

Isis and her sister Nephthys

Started a second journey

Many years in despair

Collecting all the parts

With the help of Anubis

Osiris became the first

Mummy in the history

Isis used magic power

To breathe life into him

Osiris became the king

Of the land of the dead

The Egyptians believed

The last battle is still

To come with triumph

When Horus the avenger

The son of Isis and Osiris

After long battles and wars

Will finally slay evil Seth

Then Osiris would rise

Return from the dead

With his faithful followers

Live forever on earth

Under the good god

Osiris, Isis his queen

And their son Horus

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