Thursday 16 April 2020

Abydos Stargate - The Flower of Life Symbol - Hieroglyphic Symbols of a Helicopter, Submarine & Spaceship

Seti 1 built a large temple complex at Abydos about 3,200 years ago to honour the Egyptian pantheon, and to show that he too was divine
It is here inside his temple that you can find the controversial hieroglyphs, that are carved into one of the roof beams which was discovered in the early 1900’s. It is the infamous hieroglyphic symbols of a helicopter, submarine, and a spaceship. Some claim these strange symbols are just the result of later pharaohs, carving over old symbols, as they sometimes did to put down their own name instead, thereby distorting the original image. I am not sure what to think. 

There are two thouhts with regards to this image Haydn crouch wrote 'The "helicopter" image is the result of carved stone being re-used over time. The initial carving was made during the reign of Seti I and translates to "He who repulses the nine [enemies of Egypt]". This carving was later filled in with plaster and re-carved during the reign of Ramesses II with the title "He who protects Egypt and overthrows the foreign countries". Over time, the plaster has eroded away, leaving both inscriptions partially visible and creating a palimpsest-like effect of overlapping hieroglyphs'

Dorothy Eady also known as Omm Sety, claims that during Ancient times she was a priestess at the temple, and her name was 'Bentreshyt', amazingly she knew where to tell the archaeologists to dig for things, and she was always right. This temple has always been cloaked in mystery. It has been rumored to have an Ancient Stargate, an opening to another world.

Om Sety went to live in Abydos in 1956 and dedicated her life to the Temple of Seti 1, she recalled how she had once fallen into a dimensional hole inside the temple, giving her a time travel glimpse into the past. Many report that during her years of dedicated service at the temple, she was often seen pressing her hands along the walls looking for some hidden doorway that might take her back to that place in time.

In ancient times Abydos was believed to be the birthplace of the God Osiris, and it is where his decapitated head was buried by his murderous brother Set. Abydos is the holiest of Necropolises, during pharaonic times, ancient Egyptians wanted to be buried there, and many made a pilgrimage to Abydos, as it was a sacred city and also the site of many temples. Most Eyptian temples have a single sanctuary known as the Holie of Holies, so perhaps the fact that the Temple of Seti 1 has seven large sancturies is what leads a spiritual air to this temple.Six of the sancturies have a false door to allow the Ka, or soul, to pass through. The only sanctuary that dosn't have a false door is the Sanctuary of Osiris himself, as he is the God of the underworld and can travel through both worlds. Solar Barques were originally kept in these rooms, they were used to escort the dieties during festivals, and it is believed that they transported them across the heavens.

I have worked with a friend called Caroline in the temples in Egypt, and she is a spiritual tour guide, she works with Meditations, and a Tibetan bowl in the Temples, In this photo you can see her in the temple at Abydos, she has just finished using her Tibetan Bowl that works on the energies, vibrations, and harmonies within the temple. If you look at the image you can see that she is surrounded by spiritual orbs, it is easier for a spirit to manifest as an Orb, than a whole body.

Abydos sits on a natural occurring Stargate portal, much like the Great Pyramids at Giza that are in direct line with the three stars of the Constellation of Orion's Belt.  Every Egyptian temple was created as an image of the cosmos and therefore to build a temple or add a new section became an act of creation.The pharaoh would consult the goddess Sheshat who embodied the essence of cosmic intuition, She was the Mistress of Architects, and with the pharaoh she would hold a foundation ritual known as ‘The stretching of the cord’ to measure and lay plans for the temples axis by aid of the stars

Ramses II the son of Seti 1, built a temple 300 yards northwest from his father's temple and  it is mysteriously referred to as the 'Portal Temple.' the Ancients considered Abydos the most sacred temple in all of Egypt there is alot of interest regarding Ancient Stargates and portals.  Many temples are said to be built on energetic Earth ley lines, may actually hide other portals into space and time that the ancients knew about.

The Abydos Stargate is part of the Osirion, a building that pre-dates Seti I’s temple. For centuries the Osirion was buried under layers of sand, protecting its secrets. It’s still partly underground and now flooded with green water. visible from the wooden staircase leading down to the water you can see two sacred geometry 'Flower of Life patterns of interlocking circles, on the granite walls. The Flower of life contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the Great Void, everything is made from the Creator's thought. The patterns have been lasered onto the walls. It’s not carved or burned into the stone—it’s lasered on, telling us it was done by advanced tools. This is the oldest example of sacred geometry found anywhere.

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