Thursday 2 April 2020

Amundiris 1 Mortuary Chapel inside the precints of Medinet Habu

On the wall of the Gods Wife of Amun Amundiris 1 Mortuary Chapel inside the grounds of Medinet Habu we can see a beautiful relief of Amundiris with four calves on leads, each cow represents one of the four directions, north south east and west of the earth, this relief is known as  the driving of the four calves and the treading of the grave. In her left hand she holds a staff, leashed to the staff are four calves, and as a farmer would till the earth to enhance the fruitful growth of his new crops every year, Amendiris is symbolically re-enacting s the farmers yearly ritual in her burial tomb with four calves who tread the earth so that they like Osiris the god who rose again from death to be reborn would keep Egypt fertile for another year, at the end of each leash dangles the key of life enhancing the wish for new life. In her right hand she carries a stick to drive the calves

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