Friday 10 April 2020

Tutenkhamun & Anaksenamun's Children Foetuses Found in his Tomb

Tutankhaten and his child bride Ankhesenpaaten arrived back in Weset (Luxor) after their father Akhenaten had died. Tutenhaten was 9 years old when he became pharaoh, and he married his step sister Ankhesenpaten when he was ten, she was thirteen..

Under the firm grip of Ay his chief advisor and General Horemheb they began to repair the damage that had been done to Ancient Egypt’s religion under the rule of Akhenaten, who had closed all the Temples down and said they could only worship one God, The Aten. On their return to Ancient Weset (Luxor) Tutankhaten changed his name to Tutankhamun to show that he now followed the God Amun again and he opened all the Temples, he ruled Egypt for a decade, with his wife Ankhesenpaaten who became known as Anaksenamun.

Tutankhamun was the 12th king of the 18th Dynasty, until the age of 19 when he died suddenly, research has shown that he had severe knee injuries, one of his knee caps was almost apart, it is considered that his injuries would have been infected and gangreen would have killed him in a few days after an accident.

Anaksenamun had lost her childhood friend, her husband, and two small children whose foetuses were also found in the tomb in tiny coffins. This is the only tomb that has been found with new born foetus, apart from the son of Ramses 111 in the Valley of the Queens, where there is on display in a glass case a small foetus, it is considered that the WIfe of Ramses lost a child .tragically when her young son died.

In Tutankhmun's tomb one of the mummies was a newborn female of about 5 months old. The second mummy was female of  seven months old. After Tutenkhamun's death Anaksenamun found herself  alone and just turned twenty one years old.

Tutankhamun,s chief Advisor Ay could now see a way that he would be able to rule Egypt legitimately, he would marry Anaksenamun. In despair at the thought of having to marry this forceful old man Anaksenamun wrote to the Hittite king Suppliluliumas requesting that he send one of his sons urgently for her to marry. The request was extremely unusual and Suppliluliumas decided to send an envoy to confirm the request, once he was satisfied he sent one of his sons the Prince Zennanza, The prince never arrived, he was murdered as he crossed the Egyptianborder, possibly with the instructions of General Horemheb and so the Chief Advisor Ay seized the throne, and as was the custom when a king died, he administered the ‘Opening of the mouth ceremony’. The scene is detailed on the wall in the tomb overlooking the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun. Anaksenamun was forced into marriage with Ay and then she also disappeared from known records.

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